dinsdag 18 februari 2014

First visit to Luc and his assistant dog

Because Luc still lives with his parents and his father have eye problems, Luc prefers not being too busy during the visit. So the agreement is that one person of each group visits Luc in the weekend.

Luc is very enthusiastic about the project. However, his dog is very old and in June Luc gets a new assistance dog. The cookie machine must not be designed for this dog. Because the dog itself should not operate the cookie machine, this is not a problem for the continuation of this project.

Luc and his new weelchair

Luc demands:

  • Luc himsel has has to operate the machine, not the dog.
  • The machine has to be solid so that the machine doesn't brake when the dog is too interested in the cookie machine.
  • The machine mst be designed for the right hand.
  • Different cookie formats.
  • We cant use electricity from the wheelchair => to expensive wheelchair ( so preferable mechanical system )
  • At least a magazine of 13 cookies a day.
Luc wishes
  • Preferably a nice interaction (eg cookie is flying in the air)
  • new machine positioned in the same place as old machine

The assistance dog is in everything he does well rewarded. Luc cant do this by petting him and thus he gives the dog a cookie every time. And so te cookies should be so thin that the dog is not too getting thick. Luc has a certain brand of cookies and the machine is designed based on the shape of that specific cookie. But unfortunately, the cookies will disappear from the market. As a result, the current machine can not be used anymore.

Mold in order to give the cookie the right shape and size
not attached to wheelchair
Current cookie machine
Top viewmachine 

Operation current machine:
Luc pulls a lever and there is a cookie that falls through the tube down. Luc cant see this happen, he just hears it  and sees a happy dog​​.

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